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Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Mood:  don't ask

Been a while since I have looked at this site online. Mainly been revamping  the setting and races on paper before I fnalise and upload them to the Teyrnas website. Why have I done this you may ask, well for two reasons, I kept comng up with different ideas, and wth the limited region  Teyrnas was ment to be set in I need to consolidate the Playable races, the main race which are the Dalriadians has now been called Tuatha, who have then been put into tribes/clans. The race the Eponese is now a tribe/clan of the Tuatha.  I have also gone back to my original hand drawn map of the Region, which is now called Donnlyn (Brown lands). This was Origonlly called Keltara, and was the small continent, in the over all world of Teyrnas. I'm doing three bits of writing on the same subject, these are the setting, the rule set for roleplaying, and the first adventure, because these all co-inside with each other they more or less have to be written at the same time if I want continuity.

Posted by sonnett at 7:03 AM
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Map redo
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Sign of the Southern Cross-Black Sabbath

Edited the maps by taking out the black out-line of the flooring stone, then darkend the subflooring colour to a darker grey instead of the light grey I was using. The maps look so much better, not as cluttered  when it had the black out lines.


Posted by sonnett at 1:14 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 14 August 2007 1:16 PM
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Updates For Teyrnas
Mood:  d'oh

Just updated the maps page with the lates maps for Teyrnas.

Took me a while to figure out why the links weren't working as I had to use the online file transfer program, got there in the end. Will be glad when I can get my own FTP again makes it far easier to update a website.

Posted by sonnett at 10:58 AM
Updated: Sunday, 12 August 2007 11:13 AM
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Something Different
Mood:  happy
Topic: Bloggs
I decided to have a look at the blog setup for a change, and a different mode/idea to log updates for the Teynas website.

Posted by sonnett at 2:52 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 14 August 2007 1:17 PM

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